Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia

DENR, Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines

Established: 1993

Organisation type: Intergovernmental organisation (not UN or EU)
Geographical scope: Regional
Member countries: Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Democratic People\'S Republic Of, Korea, Republic Of, Lao People\'s Democratic Republic, Philippines, Singapore, Timor-Leste, Viet Nam
Participating countries: Australia, Papua New Guinea, Thailand
Funding source Percentage

Organisation’s vision:

Healthy oceans, peoples, and economies

Organisation’s mission:

To foster and sustain healthy and resilient coasts and oceans, communities and economies across the Seas of East Asia through integrated management solutions and partnerships.

Organisation’s objectives (if different from the Mission):

Formulation and adoption of integrated approaches to managing land and water uses, from river basins to coastal seas, among participating countries in response to the challenges of climate change, sea level rise, loss of biodiversity, depleting fisheries and marine resources, severe degradation of water quality, and increasing multiple-use conflicts in the coastal and marine areas;

Development of human resources in areas of planning and sustainable management of coastal and marine areas through innovative capacity development programs such as promoting horizontal learning among stakeholders, south-south and north-south learning, on-the-job learning, as well as formal and informal training programs;

Demonstration of ICM as a systematic and effective approach to managing land and water uses in coastal areas, and scaling up of ICM initiatives; and

Development and adoption of a sustainable regional mechanism to augment national and regional commitment to protect and manage the coastal and marine environment of the Seas of East Asia.


  • Partnerships
  • Sustainability
  • capacity development
  • coastal management
  • integrated coastal management


  • Environmental protection/conservation
  • International law, policies, conventions
  • Providing scientific advice for policy makers