International Science Council

5 rue Auguste-Vacquerie, Paris, France

Established: 2018

Organisation type: Non-governmental organisation
Geographical scope: Global
Member countries:
Participating countries:
Funding source Percentage

Organisation’s vision:

The vision of the Council is to advance science as a global public good. Scientific knowledge, data and expertise must be universally accessible and its benefits universally shared. The practice of science must be inclusive and equitable, also in opportunities for scientific education and capacity development.

Organisation’s mission:

To act as the global voice for science.

Organisation’s objectives (if different from the Mission):

- To speak for the value of all science and for evidence-informed decision-making;
- To stimulate and support international scientific research and scholarship on major issues of global concern;
- To articulate scientific knowledge on such issues in the public domain;
- To promote the continued and equal advancement of scientific rigour, creativity and relevance in all parts of the world;
- To defend the free and responsible practice of science.


  • policy for science
  • science-policy
  • scientific freedom


  • Advocating for (ocean) science
  • Providing scientific advice for policy makers
  • Science coordination
grants observer/participant/member status to
International Arctic Science Committee International Arctic Science Committee
collaborates with
Future Earth Coasts Future Earth Coasts
has observer/participant/member status with
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites Committee on Earth Observation Satellites